Hilton Supra is a business and financial industry veteran and thought leader. Hilton has more than 30 years of Finance, Investment, Banking and Asset Management experience in international markets namely London, Europe, Africa and Asia. This while having a passion for growing businesses, for fashion and new technologies, especially fintech and blockchain where he has been deeply involved since these technologies inception. Now, Hilton is co-leading the fashion directory fashionabc as well as technology startup Ztudium.
From Quantitative Asset Management, Capital Markets, Trading software, Hedge Funds and Private Equity, Hilton has worked for Morgan Grenfell, Deutsche Bank, AXA Investment Management, EIM Fund of Hedge Funds (responsible $2.4bn of $13bn) and Cheyne Capital. Hilton is a graduate in Engineering from Oxford Brooks University and a Master in Finance at London Business School. Hilton has always been on the leading edge of innovation and technology in banking, derivative trading, quantitative asset management, hedge funds and since 2015 the application of FinTech, AI and blockchain to enterprise solutions.
Hilton Supra, is a partner and board member at ztudium, and the co-founder and one of the leading personalities driving techabc, openbusinesscouncil.org and fashionabc.org platforms.